For merchants who wish to list your items1 with us, please contact our merchants relation executive via Whatsapp Facebook Messenger
We do not charge listing fee for merchants who work with us to list their items here. We only draw a small amount of commission for each item sold.
- Only the following items are allow to be listed. The list is not all inclusive, the management will have the final decision.
- General Dried items (eg. red date, wolfberry etc)
- Dried soup ingredients (eg. Sea Cucumber, Fish Maw)
- Dried flower for tea (eg, Chrysanthemum)
我们欢迎本地的商家和厂商和我们合作,把您的产品1在我们的平台上架。请您联络我的的商家服务经理 Whatsapp Facebook Messenger
- 以下的产品并不是所有的产品清单,平台管理层有最终的权力来批准或拒绝.
- 干料 (例如:红枣,枸杞,海参,香菇,鱼鳔)